We are part of the great South-Eastern snowstorm. We received a crushing 2 inches of snow! Stop laughing. It closed schools and caused havoc in the traffic department for hours. We seem to be thawing out, though our street is usually the last to cleared. I think the weather will clear the street before the city does.
We've stayed warm and dry inside, as has Daisy. I was tempted to take Daisy out for some first-hand (first-paw) experience, but judging by the reactions of her predecessors, it would have been a bad idea.
I will freakin' cut you.....
Maddie, Maine Coon though she was, hated cold and wet.
what is this? dammit, I'm an indoor cat, you moron! go ask LadyRanger! she loves me! she'll set this right!
Ivy, loveable stray that she was, had had enough of the less-than-great-outdoors. She was taken inside and given a warm blanky and some treats.
But no Daisy in the snow.
my god! you wouldn't!
You're safe dear. Fear not!
Have a great week ahead, all!
January 12, 2025 in The Cats | Permalink | Comments (1)
EDIT: Typepad has not yet gotten it's act completely together. I'm having fewer problems getting pics loaded, but they still haven't figured out how to consistently size my photos. All of the Daisy photos were taken with the same camera within seconds of each other. Only two of them are proper displayed. This is getting old, Typepad.
Autumn has always been my favorite season. I love the colors in the trees, the return of cool, dry air, the crisp breezes, and soup regularly on the menu. Our cats have also enjoyed fall, but for one prime reason: the sunpuddle. The sunpuddle forms in late October and runs thru February. Our wee house, though fronting on a major highway, is surrounded by large trees. Only after the trees drop their leaves is there enough space for sunlight to sneak through and fall upon the bed and the blanket stack. All our cats have loved the sunpuddle!
Maddie loved the sunpuddle!
Ivy loved the sunpuddle!
It was just about her favorite place in the world. She would nap here for hours.
The sunpuddle was often a bone of contention between these two, strong-willed, cats.
Leave. No.
Daisy, as a kitten, was a bit too hyperkinetic to have any interest in relaxing anywhere, let alone on the bed in the sunpuddle. As she's grown into an energetic, intelligent, adult cat, she has learned to appreciate the delights that a bit of calm, comfortable, quiet, reflection can bring.
my, but this is pleasant....
time for a bath!
Of course, then the paparazzo shows up and harshes her vibe....
Heh...too late!
okay, fine.
She likes looking out the window. From the comfort of the bed, of course.
And Daisy seems to have made her peace with the fact that I like looking at her.
well, just this once.....
Thank you, Miss.
Have a great week ahead, all!
November 24, 2024 in The Cats | Permalink | Comments (1)
EDIT: and once again, Typepad burns me. I've loved this platform for almost 20 years, but I am starting to hate it, recently. I'll try to get this sorted and fix the last several posts if I can. Sorry!
We've had several beautiful fall days here at ChezRanger. Cloudless skies, cooler temperatures, pleasant breezes, and a blessed lack of our usual summer humidity. Accordingly, we have had the windows open to let in the lovely autumn air. Daisy has thoroughly enjoyed the open windows. She lounges in them whenever she can, sniffying the good, fresh breeze. I do, though, think she has another mission in mind.
that other cat is out there somewhere! I'll see her coming and warn the humans. they might be smart enough to get under cover whilst I drive off that hoss-sized interloper with my awe-inspiring hiss-fu! hmmm...thinking about it, my humans doing the sensible thing is never a safe bet...I'll just have to be extra-fearsome if the beast shows up. good plan!
Daisy does keep a good watch over us, her small but devoted flock.
Also, you get this photo just because I like it.
I hope everyone has a grand week ahead!
November 03, 2024 in The Cats | Permalink | Comments (1)
EDIT: typepad continues to have issues with the sizing of certain select photos. I have no idea why. I'll try to figure it out.......<disgruntled noises>
You know that there has been a wonderfully friendly, personality-filled, cat roaming around our neighborhood. We call her Hoss, because she is one hoss of a cat. She came around for a while and sat on our window ledges staring in, greatly pissing off the resident cat. We had to stop feeding Hoss, because Daisy got more upset every time she saw Hoss. Like throwing herself against the windows and stopping eating upset. We were very sad, and rather guilty, when we stopped handing out food, and we've wondered about how Hoss was getting along.
We saw Hoss a couple of months ago and she had a collar. All at ChezRanger were greatly relieved! LadyRanger and I because someone was taking care of this champion of a cat. Daisy was relieved 'cause it kept the barbarian from the gate.
Hoss paid us a visit the other day, though, wearing what I can only assume is a vet's e-collar!
It's a relief to know that someone out there is taking care of Hoss.
How did Daisy react to the reappearance?
Laughing that hard is just hurtful...
Aaaaaaannnnnd then Daisy launched herself at the window. It's a good thing that Daisy is not a big cat, 'cause I think she could actually break the glass if she were, the way she charged.
Hoss took this all in stride.
and then...
I don't know what she said, but Daisy was pissed.
In any event, two out of three of the residents of ChezRanger wish Hoss a lifetime of good health and wet food. the other one of three wishes, well, whatever, just somewhere else.
Have a great week ahead, all!
October 20, 2024 in The Cats | Permalink | Comments (1)
...has been a good one, for the most part. The weather has finally decided that mid 80's temps are extravagant in October, and it's been dry and delightful. We've had windows and doors open to celebrate the change. Had the front door open, with the screen in the storm door in place. I heard a loud scuffle at one point and had to go investigate!
Daisy likes getting high. She hops up here from the phone table whenever she gets a chance.
the porch looks so different from up here....
Daisy always offers us the latest news from on high.
you're thinning on top.
Ya think? The problem with all this height is that it is the highest point in the house. It presents some difficulties on the descent.
confound it! the consequences of my own actions! help!
It's a real stretch for me to even reach her feet. I did manage to convey her safely to table level again, and she is already planning her next assault on Mount Door.
Another event that made this week lovely was our Saturday dinner. We had a really American meal! At least, I think it was really American, in that the components came from all over the world!
Middle Eastern Falafel cutlets (homemade) with a tahini/sour cream sauce (homemade), Madhur Jaffrey's Gujarati green beans (homemade), and a delightful (though inexpensive) Spanish Cava. (and Cava seems to be the Spanish word for "bug off, all you frogs! our bubbly is just as good as champagne!!") It was a delight! EDIT: I have no idea why the photo is cut off on the page. Typepad is weird. Trust me, it look even yummier.
We hope your week ahead is filled with good food and, of course, cats.
October 13, 2024 in Food and Drink, The Cats | Permalink | Comments (1)
It has been really sobering to see the scale of the disaster unfolding in the mountain areas of North Carolina and Tennessee. Helene has done massive damage, people are without clean water or power, and there are severe limitations on contact with the outside world. All interstates into and out of the area were, at least, blocked, and in some areas the roadbed was carried away by the flooding. As of yesterday, and I can't believe I am saying this, ALL ROADS IN WESTERN NC were to be considered closed. Here's a link to a local news page with links to relief organizations if anyone is able to lend a hand. Just terrifying.
Helene sideswiped our fair town. We were too far to the east to really catch it, and ChezRanger came through entirely unscathed, but there was some local storm drama.
The tree across the street came down across the street! We heard the thump about 9 a.m. and were quite surprised to see our favorite neighborhood tree on the pavement! We've know this tree since it was a sapling and are quite sad to see it go. There was no damage to anything, and it just missed taking down powerlines. We called the city and they had a crew there in about 20 minutes. The guys worked their timber truck/arm in the gusty wind and driving rain and got the street clear in about 10 minutes. I was grateful and really, really impressed
There was a great deal of excitement immediately after the big thump, as the three rangers here tried to discover what had occurred! As usual, Daisy was the first to figure things out.
what the hell....
that wasn't me!
Daisy did not get in trouble...we knew she wasn't at fault for this one!
We hope the situation in the mountains improves rapidly, but it looks like it is going to be a long haul for people.
We hope you all have a great week ahead!
September 29, 2024 in The Cats | Permalink | Comments (1)
Daisy has kept up her cheerfully helpful attitude recently. She's adopted a full roster of daily chores.
She has recently discovered the old trick of having a plastic bag full of plastic bags.
get in there, you!
are you in there??
it's in there.
Don't worry, Daisy fans. She only has access to the bag of bags while we're awake and in supervisory mode. At night, they're shut in the pantry. We have no idea why she's suddenly developed an interest in it, but she does seem to want to play with them while we make meals.
Daisy also functions as our Chef de Cuisine. She takes up residence on the Supervisory Stool and gives us the benefit of her years of experience.
well, the garlic is acceptable, but you should have had a finer dice on the onion. now, grate the cheese and be sure to drop a bunch on the floor for me.
She even checks that the table has been well set.
no no no...the salad fork goes to the OUTSIDE of the dinner fork and the DESSERT fork goes across the top of the setting! heathens......
After all this work? a quick lie-down.
good lord this is exhausting....
We're thankful for all of her labors!
Have a great week ahead, all!
September 08, 2024 | Permalink | Comments (1)
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