Thursday was the 8th anniversary of Maddie coming to live at Chez-Ranger. Pretty much non-stop pettin's and moochies since then, I must say. I'd never had a mammal as a pet before Maddie showed up. Never entertained the idea of having a cat 'cause I'm allergic to 'em and Maine Coons (markedly less allergic to them) cost $$$. I'll *never* fathom what made Maddie's previous family give her up but it was a gift from <insert higher power of your choice here> to find this year old Maine Coon in our local shelter. Sure, she hissed at me when I put my hand in the cage to pet her, but I'm used to that reaction when meeting females for the first time. We've gotten along famously since. I hope you enjoy this little Maddie-palooza.
<sigh> I know. I'm a sap. I'm just glad there are other folks out there like me. Thanks for dropping by.
Happy Gotcha Day Maddie!
You really do look quite a bit like Shaggy.
We like the last picture and the one with the full length tummy stretch the best!
We hope you get something yummy to celebrate the day!
Posted by: Scooby, Shaggy & Scout | October 25, 2009 at 12:49 PM
OOOooo.... I would have *never* thought you'd be allergic to the kitties!
Happy anniversay to ALL of you. Maddie's such a lucky girl!
Posted by: Fiona | October 30, 2009 at 03:36 AM