That's IT!!! I'm NEVER coming out again! NEVER! You people are dead to me!
Yep. You got it. We trimmed her claws again. Did *not* make for a happy cat. There was one claw that had punctured her pad again, but it wasn't bad.
And don't worry for the harmony of Chez Ranger...after a liberal, post-trim, application of Greenies, we've got this again:
Well, okay. Just don't let it happen again.....
Speaking of trauma and a heroic cat, go read about the Heroic Bustopher and how he saved his family from a fire! Send plenty of good wishes, as he was injured. Not by the fire, but 'cause the dog freaked out. His humans are taking care of him and he's expected to recover. (and the dog's up for adoption)
Bustopher is such a cutiepie! And so brave!
I hope he makes it, I really do :(
PS I had to censor what I wanted to say about the dog lol
Posted by: Fiona | January 16, 2011 at 08:40 PM