Things are pretty much getting back to normal. Maddie seems to realize she's not going to get several mouthfuls of nasty meds twice a day and is quite content with that. She's her usual, demanding, vocal self again. She's got her playful streak back, too. And, of course, her love of leisure has not been impaired at all.
The report from our cat internal medicine specialist was pretty encouraging. We're to consider Maddie cured of the nasty bacteria. If she vomits blood again, it's probably the inflammatory bowel and she'll get a steroid shot. We're not taking her in for any sort of check-up, since Maddie finds it so traumatic. The vet and the vet techs also find it traumatic, since Maddie is a) belligerent and b) powerful and c) well armed. The vet is optimistic about a full recovery and so are we.
The weather has been nice, so the windows have been opened. Nothing like window-wiffles to cheer a cat. Of course, when the birds sing and flit about, the cat can go into target aquisition mode.
I see this face and can only believe that Maddie sees the "Terminator" view, targeting reticule, range numbers and target data scrolling by...
And when the birds fly off, there is the relaxed cat, demonstrating that there is no canvas more suited to the display of light and shadow than a cat.
maddie...pleez ta noe we R veree happee ewe iz on de road ta ree coveree N thanx if ewe wills stay ther...
seems ewe iz sufferin sum...side oh fex oh de medisin
& ya bee thinkin all is rite with de werld....
knot ta worree tho... coz they will fly a way...N de werld will be... burd vision free...once again !!!
enjoy yur week; eat much trout !!
Posted by: da tabbies o trout towne | October 14, 2013 at 07:05 AM
Ranger you are so poetic! We are so glad the Dear Lady (even after the Terminator description) has settled back into her comfortable routine. Yippee!
Posted by: Shaggy and Scout | October 14, 2013 at 04:53 PM
Great photos!
We are glad to hear of the improvement in health, too!
Posted by: Nikita and Elvira | October 14, 2013 at 07:34 PM
Glad Maddie is doing better. She's pretty.
Posted by: jansfunnyfarm | October 15, 2013 at 08:52 AM