Being a school teacher I am not a rich man. I've declared that we can have NO FREELOADERS here at ChezRanger!
Daisy, a dutiful cat if there ever was one, has chipped in to the extent that her youth allows.
Her first task is one she seems to relish: making the bed.
I got this!!!
She's very enthusiastic.
Don't worry! This'll be neat and tidy in a jiffy!!!!
Enthusiastic, but she has a lot to learn...
The next task is in the kitchen. While at the Winter Palace, the Ranger-in-Law's cat Tabby instructed her in the finer points of helping arrange the dishwasher.
(phone pic...please forgive)
Daisy was eager to try out her new skills immediately upon our return.
Where the dishes at???
Here we see the difference between age and experience on the one paw, and youth and enthusiasm on the other.
Daisy also volunteered for a few chores. Inspired by her many miles on the highway (6600 and counting!) she signed up for an auto mechanic course at our local Technical College.
I'm not sure she's quite grasped some of the essentials.....
Yeah...The transmission on this couch is shot! Totally fried. I'm guessing $850 to repair, unless we get lucky with the scrapyard....And your CV boots are cracked. Probably been leaking lube for months. I'm guessing a new couch-axle..that's $450 at least..... And your framistats don't have enough mojo in their dojo, so you need to get that taken care of....that's at least one boat payment worth of moneys.... and see this here? This is really expensive....
At least I know she paid attention during the class on billing.
daisy....ewe R doin a total lee awesum job helpin out; WAAAAAAAAY better N uz N frank lee we due knot even noe wear de tranz mizzion iz ona car !! tho we think we get de hole cash thing bout auto ree parez !!! CA CHING !!!!!! happee week a head two ewe ~~ ☺☺♥♥
Posted by: da tabbies o trout towne | April 24, 2017 at 10:55 AM