Daisy will occasionally walk up and nip me on my leg. Sometimes she wants to play, sometimes it seems she just wants to say hello. Whet her appetite for dinner? Remind me it's treat time? I don't know.
I was at the computer a few days ago. She walked up and sat by me. "Are you going to bite my leg?" I asked.
Daisy is a past mistress of the coy look.
My leg was, indeed, nipped.
ugh! you taste terrible...do you ever bathe?? I don't know why I keep doing that.....I should bite your leg as revenge for you tasting terrible......
And so it goes.
daisy…ewe mite bee coy, but for sure ewe iz gorgeouz…
and a werd oh wizz dom…un lezz yur dad haza trout ore a perch strapped two hiz calf…..
pleez due knot bite hiz leg….ya noe
hay, heerz two a grate week two all 😺❤️
Posted by: da tabbies o trout towne | July 11, 2022 at 12:12 PM