About a week ago, LadyRanger and I went to one of my favorite places. The Zoo.
I've always felt a bit chagrined about enjoying the zoo so much. I am always sorry to see animals being so restricted but many are involved in breeding projects to ensure the future of the species. The zoo recently announced the birth of 9 critically endangered Red Wolf pups! They were pretty much brand new pups when we visited so we didn't get the chance to see them, them being off in a back area having momma-time. There was also a recent birth of 3 Sand Cat Kittens! Similarly, they are pretty new little bits and were off in the back with mom. They have been released into the public enclosure now, so I may have to make a special trip just to see them.
Now, on to who we actually saw.
I've never seen the gators move much, but they're never in the same place as the last time we came, so I guess they're not inflatable art...
Nearby is the puma habitat. They can be pretty reclusive and just watch Netflix in their shelter, but the two cats were out and active.
I've always been impressed by the mass and solidity of these creatures.
Next stop; the seals. This guy likes showing off his belly button.
The arctic foxes were pretty chill.
Been a long time since I've had a nap this peaceful.
Next, the otter. I will never succeed in getting a good photo of a moving otter. Ever.
<sigh> Southern end of a north-bound otter. I will never be as good at walking on two feet as this guy at swimming. And he knows it. He seemed to know he had an audience and really put on a kinetic art display for the kids that came through.
The next beast is a local. We have a couple around our little house on the highway. May I present, the barred owl:
We hear these dudes many times a week. Never seen one, but they're there.
The bobcat was next!
He spent a lot of time rumping me.
Southern end of a north-bound bobcat. That's going to be a theme of this trip, as you'll see.
Didn't even get to see the black bear's face.
LadyRanger posits that he was relaxed and rereading his well-thumbed copy of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. I can see it.
There were elk...
...and bison.
And, of course, Red Wolves.
Fast and alert, looking out for anything that would endanger the newest members of the species. I've heard there are only 30 or so left alive in the wild, so the nine new cubs are a big step!
We finally got to see the ocelot!
It's not very big so we tend to call it the oce-little. Sure is a beautiful beastie, though.
And here we have one of the stars of the day, Cosmo the Sand Cat!
He seemed pretty chill for being a new dad. But hey, sand cats know they're cool. And this guy knew he had an audience. There were small kids squealing with delight inches from his head. He didn't so much as twitch. He is a pro at fan service!
We moved on to the red river hog...
...the giraffe...
...and the zebra.
We were in line to feed the giraffes but just before we were up, the giraffes decided they'd had their fill and wandered off. Next trip, we hit the giraffe-feedings first.
We also got to bask in the glory of, yes....
...the magnificent southern end of a north-bound elephant!
And here we get to what is probably my favorite picture (when judged solely as a photograph) of the trip. A common animal around these here parts, but a photo that I am happy with.
I'm not Ansel Adams, but I'm pleased I got this one.
Have a great week ahead, all!
the photos are awesome !!!
have a great week ahead :)
Posted by: da tabbies o trout towne | June 14, 2023 at 09:53 AM